The story behind the HÖGDALEN

In September 2019, we launched a new online hub with exciting creators and unexpected collaborations. Take part of the exclusive story behind Efva’s creative sub-brand the HÖGDALEN.
  1. Start
  2. The story behind the HÖGDALEN

Born & raised in Högdalen

When Efva was two years old, her family moved to Harpundsvägen 36 in Högdalen, a newly-built suburb of Stockholm. During the first years, Efva lived with her four sisters and parents on only 58 square meters, until they moved a few streets away to Skebokvarnsvägen.

Even if Efva left the suburbs, she has always had Högdalen with her. “I have talked and answered questions about where I come from all my life. Högdalen, a suburb of Stockholm. It has always been a part of me.” Efva says. Since 1996, Efva has designed pieces of jewellery, but also perfumes, watches and wedding accessories. Collections that have always had "beauty with a thought" behind them – Efva's motto. But going beyond the classic “Efva Attling manner” and collaborating with other creators has been on Efva’s mind for quite some time – and that’s how the idea of starting a sub-brand was brought to life.

Hero image

Creative collaborations & invited creators

In September 2019, Efva's sub-brand the Högdalen was launched. A playful, cocky, and creative hub online with collaborations in a number of different categories in constant development. Here you will find unexpected collaborations, art, photos, one-of-a-kind pieces of jewellery, cool t-shirts and hoodies and posters. In addition to known creators, less-known people have also been invited, as one of the ideas with the HÖGDALEN is to highlight new talents.

Eva Dahlgren is, and has been, a singer/songwriter for over 30 years. She is one of Swedens most beloved artists and the only Swedish female artists with 10 Grammy awards. Eva has always had a strong interest in photography, and after having lived in New York for ten years, she captured the city in a series of limited editions for the Högdalen. These photos, signed by the photographer herself, has upgraded many peoples homes. Eva is also the photographer behind the portraits of the collaborators for the Högdalen. During Musikhjälpen 2020 (Music Aid), with the aim to raise money to make health care accessible to everyone, Eva and Thåström raised almost 80,000 Swedish crowns. The winner of the auction received a signed portrait of Thåström photographed by Eva.

With the launch of the HÖGDALEN in 2019, an exclusive jewellery collection was released together with Jocke Berg – the singer-songwriter from Swedens largest rockband band “Kent”. It was Efva's first collaboration for the HÖGDALEN, and Jocke's first jewellery collection.

Six months later, the next collaboration with the jewellery designer Göran Kling was released. Efva discovered him through her nephew Love and fell for his expression. She invited him to her atelier where they joined forces and created a piece of jewellery “for a good cause” under the name ATTKLING to support the Swedish organization Maskrosbarn.

In September 2020 another unexpected and surprising collab happened with no other then Thåström – the iconic Swedish musician and poet. Like Efva he´s brought up in Högdalen. Efva wanted to highlight his lyrics on the jewellery which she designed. Efva said this collaboration was a dream come true. This was a total hit – the jewellery was sold out in 24 hours and the fans of Thåströms have been patiently waiting for the pieces to get back in stock.

What will happen in the future is not something Efva reveals, but based on previous collaborations and invited creators, she leaves no one without high hopes and expectations.